Mathieu BRUN

Scientific Director

Foundation for World Agriculture and Rural Life


Matthieu BRUN is Scientific Director of the FARM Foundation, holds a PhD in political science and is a research associate in the “Les Afriques dans le monde” laboratory at Sciences Po Bordeaux.

Mathieu BRUN


Matthieu BRUN is Scientific Director of the FARM Foundation. The Foundation for World Agriculture and Rural Life is a charitable foundation committed to the sustainable development of agriculture around the world, particularly in developing countries.

Matthieu Brun holds a PhD in political science and is a research associate at Sciences Po Bordeaux’s “Les Afriques dans le monde” laboratory. His work focuses on the geopolitics of agriculture and food security in the context of climate change and agro-ecological transformation. Matthieu Brun has worked for Club Demeter, the Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM) and the Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (Iddri – Sciences Po). He regularly publishes articles, columns and interviews in the media, and has edited the annual agricultural and food geostrategic outlook book Le Déméter (IRIS Editions).