President Rector

Université Catholique de Lille


After first becoming vice president of the Faculty of Science and Technology in 2009, he has now been head of the Catholic University since July 2012 and was reelected president of the Lille-based institution in 2017. Pierre Giorgini is a French chevalier de la Légion d’honneur, chevalier de l’ordre national du Mérite and chevalier des Palmes académiques.



Former HR Director and then Group Director for the Development of Competencies at France Telecom, creator of ENIC (now Telecom Lille), and former Managing Director of ISEN, Pierre Giorgini has been President Rector of the Université Catholique de Lille since 2012. Under its presidency, the University has developed a set of pedagogical, technological and social innovations within dedicated places, the innovative ecosystems, learning spaces carried by teachers-researches, students and companies.

Author of “La Transition fulgurante, vers un bouleversement systémique du monde » (Bayard, 2014), of « la Fulgurante récréation » (Bayard, 2016), and of « Au Crépuscule des Lieux » (Bayard, 2016), he is passionate about innovation and more specifically about the formidable evolutions that it brings or accompany in our businesses and our society.