Founding member

La Fabrique du changement de Lille


Mélanie Vermeersch is co-leader of the design lab and the disruptive business commission of the CCI Grand Lille. A facilitator and developer at heart, she has been designing and leading projects and events promoting professional meetings for 10 years.



Mélanie Vermeersch is co-leader of the design lab and the disruptive business commission of the CCI Grand Lille. A facilitator and developer at heart, she has been designing and leading projects and events promoting professional meetings for 10 years. She is committed to raising awareness and offering managers a head start on transitions. With this intention, she encourages collaborative foresight in business schools and organizations.

Initially a consultant in the development of women’s entrepreneurship, then in sustainable development, Mélanie Vermeersch activated her talents as a manager and strategist within the business development department of Grand Lille.

Today, she offers services and conferences around the transformation of organizations into collective intelligence. In parallel, for the past 3 years, she co-created the “fabrique du changement” in Lille, the largest French-speaking festival of managerial innovation. This event federates an ecosystem of more than 150 professional and volunteer organizers. It offers a space of inspiration to more than 1,000 people per year and 400 people on the D-day.

Mélanie Vermeersch keeps this project alive in shared governance and in a learning enterprise. She dares to innovate in management because she is convinced that this is where our evolution will come from.

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