Mathieu LAINE

Founding President



Mathieu LAINE is the founding president of Altermind, a research and consulting firm. He is an affiliate professor at Sciences Po and an editorial writer for the French newspapers Le Point and Le Figaro.

Mathieu LAINE



Mathieu LAINE, Il faut sauver le monde libre, Plon (2019)

Mathieu LAINE, Réformer la France, Plon (2018)

Mathieu LAINE, Le Roi qui n’aimait pas la musique, Gallimard Jeunesse (2017)

Mathieu LAINE, Dictionnaire amoureux de la liberté, Plon (2016)

Mathieu LAINE, Patrice HUERRE, La France adolescente — Et si on la laissait grandir, JC Lattès (2013)

Mathieu LAINE, dir., 65 auteurs, Dictionnaire du libéralisme, Larousse (2012)

Mathieu LAINE, Post Politique, JC Lattès (2009)

Mathieu LAINE, La France est-elle foutue ?, collection « Idées fausses, vraies réponses », JC Lattès (2007)

Mathieu LAINE, dir., L’Homme libre, Les Belles Lettres (2006)

Mathieu LAINE, La Grande Nurserie — En finir avec l’infantilisation des Français, JC Lattès (2006)

Mathieu LAINE founded and manages the strategy consulting firm Altermind. He advises several managers of major French and foreign groups in support of a methodology that mobilizes leading academics.

Mathieu LAINE is also an affiliated professor at Sciences Po, an editorial writer at Le Figaro and a columnist at Le Point. He is also part of the team of commentators for the show L’Esprit public on the TV channel France Culture.

His love for freedom inspired him to write several essays, including La Grande Nurserie (ed. Lattès), Dictionnaire amoureux de la liberté (ed. Plon) and Il faut sauver le monde libre (ed. Plon), as well as a musical tale for children, Le Roi qui n’aimait pas la musique (ed. Gallimard Jeunesse).

He has regular exchanges with political leaders, particularly in France and the United Kingdom.

At the World Forum for a Responsible Economy, he will explain the urgent need for a plurilateral approach to support the defence of the values of the free world.