Olivier PAGEZY

Managing Director

Fonds de dotation Entreprises &Cités


In October 2016, Entreprises et Cités became an endowment fund. It also perpetuates its mission, develops its assets and strengthens its visibility around a shared strategy: the common good of the territory.

Discover how its double vocation of shareholder and patron, model precursor of company with mission, reconcile capitalism and common good around a triple ambition: attractiveness; technological and societal innovation and territorial excellence.

Olivier PAGEZY


A former Finance Inspector, Olivier Pagezy has a diversified career in the public sector (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Research) and then in the private sector (CFO, Banker, Manager of a private equity firm) which allowed him to reconcile the general interest and the private sector. Finance and innovation were the two key elements behind his professional choices.

Olivier Pagezy is the Managing Director of the Entreprises et Cités endowment fund. Stemming from the patronage of the North of France, Entreprises et Cités is a network where the actors who act for the economic performance of the Hauts-de-France meet and cooperate. In 2016, this network was transformed into an endowment fund with the aim of sustaining its mission, developing its assets, and strengthening its visibility around a common strategy: the common good of the territory.

Entreprises et Cités cooperates regularly with Réseau Alliances, being one of its two founders together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and notably for the organization of events such as the trophies of the responsible economy or the World Forum for a Responsible Economy.

Entreprises et Cités and Réseau Alliances want to promote together the theme of companies with a mission and its consequences on the territorial dynamics. They consider it to be the result of a global CSR strategy implemented by the company. As an endowment fund, Entreprises et Cités has anticipated the debates surrounding companies with a mission and wishes to support the development of such companies in the Hauts-de-France.