The pace of change within human societies, longer human lifespans, changing global demographics, and the need to be employed for longer periods of time place new stresses and strains on already overburdened, vastly underbuilt, and insufficient and perhaps increasingly irrelevant formal and informal learning systems. MOOCs, game-based learning, learning management systems, for-profit universities, new means of acquiring and credentialing workers’ knowledge and skills, and successive waves of educational experiments in primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions within formal education systems are just some of the many innovations bubbling up all over the world. The panel will discuss these and other trends in a critical manner and stimulate further thinking among participants about accelerating human learning potential around the world and the implications that might follow if real breakthroughs were achieved at scale.

— Summary — 

Read the World Forum Lille’s reporter article:

Rethinking education, a major challenge for businesses – by Marine Souxdorf – ESPOL (FR) 

> Vérone Mankou: “Social Business is the future of Africa” by Tina Meunier – ESPOL


— Replay —

5D – Learning and innovation: sources of in… par WorldForumLilleTV