The economic crisis leads to more discrimination in the labor market, particularly for the elderly, and has a negative impact on the promotion of equality and diversity policies: this is what studies of the ILO and the European Commission show. Yet, isn’t an approach focused on the individual, recognition and valorization of individual differences and unique skills, an asset for the company’s performance? Why and how to foster cohesion and social equity in the company? Come and discover the diverse experiences of three companies of different sizes from various sectors, and discuss with them this central issue in corporate social responsibility.

Moderator : Catherine DECAUX, Directrice Générale, Comité 21, France

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Speakers :

Jamie BURTON, Vice-President, Dolphin Digital Technologies, Canada

B.Scott BURTON, President & CEO, Dolphin Digital Technologies, Canada

Barbara LEVEEL, Global Head of Diversity and HR CSR, BNP Paribas, France



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