Twenty years ago, nobody had heard of the Internet; today, it organizes our social relations, our work and to a certain extent the entire economy. The digital sector encompasses information and communication technologies (ICT) along with new computer-based technologies, namely e-activities and Web applications. This sector is often described as a tidal wave that will affect and transform all aspects of society and all companies. So are you prepared to surf on this wave of change? Or will you be left behind as these rapid-fire innovations rock your current environment? We can now observe the nascence of digital revolutions in “unexpected” sectors, e.g. the construction industry, as well as in economic and social notions like work. Two high-profile international speakers will be on hand.


— Summary —

> Welcome to the 21st century revolutions! by Coline BATTAGLI

> Printed Beauties by Romain Dannin


— Picture Library —
Find the photos of the conference here