Why Toyota?
TMMF (Toyota Motor Manufacturing France) is Toyota’s first next-generation plant, and its innovative concept has set a trend within the company. The entire design focuses on environmental protection and allows for optimal recycling of production waste. The building is distinct for its compact layout facilitating both physical and information flows. TMMF was moreover awarded the ISO 14001 “Environment” certification in March 2002, with a renewal issued in March 2005. As is the case in all Group plants, manufacturing has been organized around TPS, the Toyota production system that relies on the two pillars of “just-in-time” and “jidoka”.
Operational since the end of January 2001, this plant rolls out the Toyota Yaris from Onnaing, near Valenciennes in the Nord Department; its current employment level stands at 3,950 for an annual production capacity of 270,000 units.
Because the Toyota company is committed to our territory and embraces the objective of “building a clean car (79 g CO2/km) at a clean site”.

Toyota Motor Manufacturing France (TMMF) started up production of its Yaris line at the Onnaing facility on 31st January 2001. The installed production capacity makes it possible to manufacture one car per minute. Since this launch, over 2.2 million Yaris have been built. The 100% hybrid Yaris has been produced on-site beginning in April 2012: it emits on average a record-setting 79 grams of CO2/km. The TMMF slogan is to build a clean car on a clean site, and the layout of this plant, with 30% less floor area than a conventional plant, has been heavily influenced by environmental concerns. From the time of its creation, TMMF has considerably improved all environmental performance measures (energy consumption: -30%, water consumption: -70%, atmospheric discharge: -48%, quantity of waste: -37%, with 100% of waste being reused since 2007).

TMMF commits in 2012 to entirely eliminating the use of industrial water in its production by 2015!
Since 2002, TMMF has been focusing on industrial water consumption. The high quality of water output by the site’s treatment plant has made it possible to recycle all discharge as of 2006. A first rainwater recovery basin was built in 2008. These actions, along with the reduced need for process water, have enabled covering 58% of the water consumed during production through rainwater or recycled water. A second basin, built in 2012, will provide for the plant’s complete water independence. TMMF’s commitment is to cover 100% of its Yaris manufacturing water needs by either rainwater or recycled water.

For further details on the Toyota Onnaing plant commitment, consult the Global Union for Sustainability website.

Visit schedule:
9 – 9:15:    Coffee reception
9:15 – 10:    TMMF presentation
10 – 11:    Plant tour
11 – 11:30:    Q&A session

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