2017 Contributors Book

Photos of 2017 Contributors Book

livret des contributions

The following downloadable pdf book, is a collection of articles written by a team of avant-garde business professionals. Thanks to their analysis and the reflections of their practises, we move forward on the Responsible Revolution path.


General information about this booklet

  • Thank-you note

After an online listening of social media public contents related to the 5 topics of this year’s World Forum for a Responsible Economy, Romain Chanut and Habib Belaribi sent a series of targeted online invitations, conversations and formatting of the articles with the authors represented in this book. We thank them for their contributions and their commitment to put them in the public domain, thus encouraging the Free sharing of individual’s opinions and knowledge.

  • What you can do with this book

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  • What you cannot do with this book

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Download the “2017 Contributors Book”



Contributors to this book

1. Mark Turrell, founder & CEO of Orcasci – Germany
Mark is a strategist, author, and entrepreneur. His work combines collective intelligence with networks, complex systems, behavioral science and neuroscience. Mark worked with hundreds of companies, including Allianz, Bayer, Cargill, IBM, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Whirlpool and Xerox. The World Economic Forum nominated him a Technology Pioneer and a Young Global Leader. Mark is a Professor of Global Strategy at Hult International Business School.

2. Régis Pradal, cofounder InternsGoPro – Belgium/France
Interns Go Pro (internsgopro.com/) is a social business for youth and for employers, which aims to fill the skills gap between education and work worlds. Its mission is to fight precarious conditions, that can stick active youngs in a vicious circle, and to change the situation by creating transparency tools and encouraging higher internship conditions in Europe.

3. María-Jose Calvimontes, fondatrice & CEO de Needo – Chili
Needo (www.needo.cl) is communication and education consulting firm, certified B Corp since 2012, and has been a recognized has one of the best of the world in 2017 by the B Lab. It means one of the best globally ranked in the change makers category. Needo offers advise, formation, conferences and others services to firms, schools, municipalities and foundations on four fields : sustainable hospitality, sustainable development between home and work, social and environmental marketing and digital responsible communication.

4. Alice Barbe, Directrice de Singa – France
Singa (singafrance.com/) is a non-lucrative association that gathers a more than 25000 thousand members community and animates an international movement to create tools, meetings and dialogue between refugees and the society that welcomes them. In order to face the numerous obstacles to their inclusion, such as the language barrier, the lack of social or professional network, their ignorance of social and cultural codes, … SINGA community creates meetings and exchanges about shared passions and skills.

5. David de Ugarte et ses associés de Las Indias Electrónicas – Espagne, Argentine
La Sociedad de las Indias Electrónicas (www.lasindias.coop) is an intelligence, innovation and networks consulting firm. Founded in 2002, its head office is located in Madrid and leads Las Indias cooperative strategic direction. “Los indianos” define themselves as a transnational community, which has known a long evolution started from the first virtual networks in Spanish and Portugese langages at the end of the 80s. Nowadays, it is a open community with a dedicated space for each of its members according to the contribution they wish to bring to consolidate the common project. Get to know them better by joining the conversation on their 15years-old News : lasindias.News.

6. Karen Ganilsy, coprésidente de Coopaname – France

Coopaname is a Business and Employment Cooperative (BEC) created in 2004  which nowadays gathers about 850 persons, craftsmen, freelancers, and service providers – all at different stages of the economic developments they animate, on their own or together with other BECs. It defines itself as a “mutualist of associate work”, “beyond employment”. 

7. Thomas Ollivier, Responsable de l’économie collaborative et des pratiques émergentes à la Maif – France
 With a very atypical background, from logistics to supply chain management, to knowledge management and collective intelligence applied to SMEs, Thomas Ollivier is nowadays in charge of collaborative economy and new practices at the MAIF, after he was responsible for strategy and partnerships. Since 2015, he runs,  along with a team of 10, an explorative strategy on new uses and hybridation, making collaborative economy the linkage between old and new economies.

8. Andrej Drapal, founder of Consensus – Slovenia
Andrej Drapal, Philosopher (by education), journalist and editor (as a youngster), theater producer (in largest cultural center in Slovenia), PR business consultant and partner in the largest Slovenian consultancy, founder of lobby profession in Slovenia, and…Andrej created Standard Branding Model in 2001 and since then developed more than 40 brands and business models in various industries including state brand I Feel Slovenia.