Organisé par KPMG
The Companization is a model for third generation CSR work.
The first generation created guidelines. The second generation was accountable to them. The third generation integrates ethical guidelines into the Articles of Association and Bylaws,thus obliging the organization to follow them.
By implementing an ethical framework into the Company’s Articles of Association,moral issues are introduced into an otherwise purely economic forum.The founder establishes two separate legal entities – one for-profit Company andone non-profit Association.
By implementing shareholder responsibility and individual participation insustainable economic growth onto the agenda of the non-profit Association,economic issues are introduced into an otherwise purely ideological forum.
The Company’s Articles of Association and the Association’s Bylaws follow anidentical ethical framework, economic and social goals.
The Company is legally obliged to reserve 10% of the shares to the non-profit Association. Anyone can be a member of the Association.
The members of the Association appoint the Association Board. The Board appoints the management of the Association.
The owners appoint the Company Board. The Board appoints the management of the Company.
The Board of the non-profit Association (despite minority share) is responsible for appointing 50% of the Company’s Board Members.
Each Board consists of an even number of members who appoints a chairman amongst the Board Members. The Chairman has the casting vote and it is not allowed for a Board Member to sit on both boards at the same time.
This lunch will be facilitated by Owe PETTERSSON, Plantagon, Sweden.
— Synthèse —
Rapporteur : Malini Rantchor Sciences Po Lille Junior (ENG)